Caution: Period Cramps Inside. De Lune brought our cramp simulator to SXSW

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Caution: Period Cramps Inside. De Lune brought our cramp simulator to SXSW


This past week, Whole Planet hosted a successful SXSW event in Austin, Texas. Together with other participants, De Lune raised over $35,000 dollars towards the mission of empowering female entrepreneurs who are lifting their families out of poverty. At the event, we hosted a period pain simulation that allowed attendees to experience what it's like to have cramps, and the results were hilarious! Follow us on social media to see the simulator in action. 

As an Austin-based start-up, we were thrilled to join Whole Planet and SXSW at this event. Our CEO, Mimi Millard, shared that this event was a fun way to raise money for a great cause and also educate people about menstrual cycles.

 De Lune at SXSW Whole Planet Event

Whole Planet hosted a successful event in Austin, Texas during SXSW.

The event was held at the Whole Planet Foundation headquarters in Austin, Texas, which also happens to be the original Whole Foods Market. The nonprofit organization empowers female entrepreneurs in developing countries to run their own businesses by providing access to microcredit and training.

Together with other participants, we raised over $35,000 dollars towards the mission of empowering female entrepreneurs.

Whole Planet has been hosting events around SXSW since 2003, but this year's was particularly special because it coincided with the organization's 15th anniversary celebration. It was De Lune’s first official SXSW event, and our Austin-based team is already excited to plan more for next year!

De Lune hosted a period simulation that allowed attendees to experience what it's like to have cramps.

De Lune created a period cramp simulation that allowed attendees to experience what it's like to have cramps.

The result? A hilarious and empathy-inducing experience for everyone in attendance, who were hooked up to a simulator and asked a series of period-related questions.

Folks who had already experienced period pain tested the simulator for accuracy and then gleefully had their partners, dads, and friends jump in and experience “empathy cramps”. The difference in how these groups responded to the simulator was drastic.

The hilarious (and eye-opening) results can be found over on our  Tik Tok @delunecare.

 Period Cramp Simulation by De Lune at SXSW Whole Planet Foundation Event


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